About Us
About Us

Willow Butte Cattle Company Ltd. operates as a fourth generation mixed grain farm. Situated on 3,000 acres of rolling farmland located between Red Deed and Pine Lake, Alberta, Willow Butte provides the breeding portion of Two Willows Equine.
The beginning of our breeding operation began in 2002. The influence of many of our first mares carries through in the bloodlines we still use today. The initial contribution of the use of Wodan (KWPN), generously given to us By Kip and Caroline Jones, set us on the path we continue to follow. We proudly carry the pedigrees of many great foundation warmbloods, each chosen because they meet the criteria we require in our horses. Our recent addition of the stallion "Centim" has reaffirmed the direction we are heading in our breeding program.
Young stock start their education at Willow Butte being introduced to the workings of a busy farm operation. The exposure to cattle, heavy-duty farm equipment along with the ability to grow up in a large group leads to sound minds and quiet dispositions. Equally important to us is the ability to allow young stock to "just be horses". Small intervals of schooling coupled with time to mature physically and mentally are key components to our program.
Once started our prospects leave the breeding farm to continue their education at Willow Grove Stable with Trish Mrakawa and her team, or through our many professional networks and friends within the equine industry.
Seeing the success of Two Willows bred horses in the show rings with their riders is what leads us forward.
Trish Mrakawa
Trish Mrakawa is the owner, trainer and head coach of Willow Grove Stable Inc. that was established in 1982 and has been at its present location in the beautiful foothills of southern Alberta since 1984. Trish attained her Canadian Pony Club “A” Certificate and is one of a select group to have a National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) High Performance 1 Jump Coach with Equestrian Canada.
After successfully competing in both hunters and jumpers as a junior rider on the North American circuit, Trish then switched to Three Day Eventing representing Alberta many times team events such as the North America Young Riders Championships. Returning to her first love of show jumping, she began riding and teaching professionally in 1982.
Trish's students compete at shows from Novice level to Spruce Meadows which is the #1 Show Jumping venue in the world. Travelling across North America for judging and competitions, Trish has established a large network of professionals who work together to better the industry and the sport.
Her students have reached many milestones in their riding careers including Equestrian Canada National Awards and represented our province and country on team competitions such as the North American Young Riders Championships. Trish was awarded a Coaching Excellence award from Equestrian Canada in 2011 for her work with National Athletes.
Since 2002 Trish has played an active role in the development of Equestrian Coaches in Canada serving both the National English Coaching and the Alberta Equestrian Federation Coaching. Trish has also had the good fortune to work with an amazing of group of talented horseman and business professionals as Chairman of the Jump Canada Coaching committee for seven years from 2008 to 2015. These committees are instrumental in developing the coaching training and certification programs across Canada.
Mentoring within the Equestrian Coaching community has been a key focus for Trish and the programs at Willow Grove since its inception. Trish has had over five hundred students and coach’s move on to professional careers within the industry.
In 1999, Trish expanded her vision of helping people to the wellness industry where she provides consulting for people who are interested in preventative and alternative methods of better nutrition, improved health and achieving balance in their lives.
Trish’s passion for Coaching Coaches has taken her into the world of professional development as a Coach and Speaker and Author. Her goal is to Bless, Inspire, Serve and Transform through speaking, writing, one on one work and online education.
Janine Olson
Janine Olson lives with her husband Kent. Both of their children, now grown, live close and actively participate in the family mixed grain farm.
Janine is a lifelong member of the agriculture community and has been a partner in Willow Bute Cattle Company Ltd. since its inception in 1996.
She is an Alumna of Olds College Equine Management Diploma program with a history of successful breeding, foaling, development and marketing of sport horses in the hunter & jumper disciplines. In 2001 Janine partnered with long-time friend and equestrian Trish Mrakawa to form Two Willows Equine Development Centres. She is responsible for breeding, foaling and schooling young stock in preparation for advanced training.
Sharing her passion for horses Janine holds a NCCP Level One Coaching Certificate and in the past has volunteered as a Coach at Red Deer Pony Club. Her enjoyment of instruction has led her to become a mentor to graduates of Olds College Equine programs. She especially enjoys educating young enthusiasts in Horsemanship, Stable Management, foaling, and the training of young horses in preparation to show careers in the English disciplines.
Currently Janine is a Director of the Alberta Chapter of the Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association, she is a junior inspector and is the Alberta Coordinator for Canadian Warmblood Inspections.
A lifetime rider and horse lover Janine currently schools and rides for enjoyment. Her past successes riding competitively in the hunter and jumper disciplines, background in Pony Club and Three Day Eventing have aided her in developing our young horses.
Janine’s passion for creativity has led her to a sideline hobby of horse photography. She is often found camera in hand taking pictures of friends and their mounts. Her photos can be seen throughout the Two Willows website.